Company Check-Up & Corporate Development Solutions

Data-Driven Company Check-Up

We are at your side with our data-based scientific solutions to develop strategy, make departments and business processes efficient, to increase and improve their performance. We reveal your areas of improvement by applying for company check-ups. We make a detailed analysis of four main dimensions. With our team with academic and professional experience, we look at your company from the outside with an expert eye.

We blend Agility, Operations, and Management excellence, and new trends in the Vuca world with our methodology that integrates analysis, consultation, and development.

In our Company Check-Up analysis solution, which can also be expressed as Corporate Check-Up, we perform company analysis using our own methodology, using quantitative and qualitative data in four main dimensions. We reveal your areas of development.

In addition to emerging areas in development areas, we support your company with our expert team to design a digital roadmap for digitalization.

If there is a sustainability issue in the company’s strategy after the company check-up, we reveal the areas of development by making detailed analysis in this area according to the demand. We make improvements in the areas required for sustainability reporting and offer sustainability reporting solutions.

Corporate Strategy Development and Implementation After Company Check-Up

We support you at all stages varying from analyzing the current situation of your institution in compliance with a scientific methodology and the realities of the era to creating a data-based development such as vision, mission, and organization design. We adopt a solution-oriented approach where operation and management excellence are integrated. We aim to design a self-developing organization by creating a more efficient process through a strategic examination of the units within your company, creation of a roadmap, and design of unit processes.

Improvement and Productivity Creation

We offer a data-based methodology that addresses all processes, such as analysis, development, and training, for uncovering and improving inefficient areas in your company.

R&D and Innovation

From a scientific research perspective, we ensure that innovative processes are more effective and effective by providing a methodology that enables operations, particularly in R&D, to be more productive.

Corporate Risk Analysis

We offer a methodology that aims to minimize all risks your company has assumed for its future by analyzing them in all aspects including organizational, operational, and financial ones.